God’s Pop Quizzes

God’s Pop Quizzes

Many of us probably have a few less than pleasant memories of our elementary school teachers telling us to “take everything off of our desks and to take out a No. 2 pencil.” The dreaded “pop quiz” which always seemed to come at the most inopportune time.  As adults we...
Bible Trivia For the Win

Bible Trivia For the Win

The Book of Psalms is a gold mine of wisdom, faith and hope. The 150 psalms point God’s people to Him from every conceivable circumstance of life. David is referred to as a man after God’s own heart. He wrote the majority of the Psalms through the course of his life....
Loving My Neighbor? Seriously?

Loving My Neighbor? Seriously?

The foundation of the Christian life is our vital, daily, abiding relationship with the Lord.  Intentionally demonstrating our love for Him through a thousand choices a day to focus on Him and give Him our trust and obedience. The second priority of the Christian life...