Walking by Faith

Walking by Faith

Faith is perhaps the most essential aspect of Christianity. The word itself appears about 250 times in the Bible. Faith is something we talk about a lot. We assume we have it, and we live by it. But when pressed for an accurate definition of faith, we come up with...
How Close is too Close?

How Close is too Close?

A Close Encounter It was a beautiful, warm spring afternoon. A neighbor was coming home from work. He saw a car pulled off to the side of the road. A teenage girl stood over something in the middle of the road. She was taking a picture. As the neighbor got closer,...
Lessons From The Titanic: Or How Not to Hit an Iceberg

Lessons From The Titanic: Or How Not to Hit an Iceberg

The Story of the Titanic Everyone knows the tragic story of the sinking of the RMS Titanic. The great ship steamed across the icy north Atlantic in 1912. On the night of April 15, the lookout sighted an iceberg dead ahead. The Titanic’s captain commanded to turn the...
God’s Pop Quizzes

God’s Pop Quizzes

Many of us probably have a few less than pleasant memories of our elementary school teachers telling us to “take everything off of our desks and to take out a No. 2 pencil.” The dreaded “pop quiz” which always seemed to come at the most inopportune time.  As adults we...
Why Has Nothing Changed in the New Year?

Why Has Nothing Changed in the New Year?

New Years can be such fun—the parties, the excitement, the resolutions, the noisemakers and anticipation. The expectation of taking everything good from the old year into the new one without any of the bad. Somehow, things seem like they’re going to be better just...
Tennis, Anyone?

Tennis, Anyone?

Tennis is one of the most popular international sports of all time. Modern tennis using rackets, a court, and net dates back to 16th century England under King Henry VIII. The two common forms of the sport are singles and doubles. In singles, there are two opponents,...