Ever since Adam and Eve watched the first birds fly in the Garden of Eden, people have been fascinated by flight. At some point in most of our lives, we have had some desire to learn how to fly. 

Visual & Instrument Flight Rules

The first and simplest pilot certification is Visual Flight Rules (or VFR). VFR refers to how a pilot navigates once he or she is in the air—and it’s simply flying by sight. 

Pilots get where they are going by following the roads, highways, and landmarks that they would use if they were driving. Flying VFR requires daylight and clear skies with no darkness, fog, or low cloud cover.

The next level of certification is Instrument Flight Rules (or IFR), which allows pilots to fly in total darkness, most weather conditions, and above the clouds, relying totally on instruments. Flying IFR requires pilots to create a detailed flight plan to their destination with precise maps and compass headings. 

The exact distance, aircraft, and wind speed is calculated, departure and arrival time set,  and the flight plan is filed with the towers and air traffic control.

Flying Blind

When a student pilot has completed all of the classroom instruction and is ready for his flight with an instructor, he is given a hood that will completely block all sight except the control panel. Think of a welder’s helmet that is raised.

From take-off to landing, every aspect of the flight is governed by instruments. Radio communication with the towers of each airport and air traffic control help the pilot to assure that he is on track, on schedule, and warn of any unforeseen circumstances.

Could there be a better working analogy to 2 Corinthians 5:7 that we walk by faith and not by sight?  For many the concept of walking by faith is little more than wishful thinking, hoping that things will work out.

That would be like a pilot taking off in darkness and hoping he winds up where he wants to go. The biblical view of the life of faith is no less certain and no less precise than that of a pilot’s flight plan.

God’s Word as a Map

It begins with Romans 10:17: “So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.” God’s Word is Truth. It is the ultimate map. It is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path (Psalm 119:105). 

The concept of faith builds in Hebrews 11:1: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

In 2 Corinthians 4:18, the Apostle Paul said: “We look not at the things that are seen, but at the things that are not seen; for the things that are seen are temporal, but the things that are not seen are eternal.”

Learning to live and walk by faith and not by sight allows us to see beyond the temporal, physical things we can see, to the eternal, spiritual things we cannot see. Our faith becomes sight.

Hebrews 11:6 adds: “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he that comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” 

20/20 Spiritual Vision

The entire chapter of Hebrews 11 gives accounts of Old Testament men and women who developed 20/20 spiritual vision, living lives of exemplary faith in God alone, and overcoming overwhelming odds to do so.

This life really is about that life—about establishing a relationship with God through the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, and consistently building that relationship as true disciples by systematically and intentionally continuing in His Word.

As we build our concept of God, of life, of the world in which we live on the Truth of His Word, our faith becomes sight. As we talk with Him through prayer we hear His voice, He guides our steps, and keeps us on course.

Flying Beyond Our Wildest Dreams 

Many pilots will say that learning to fly by instruments was more difficult than it was to learn to fly by sight, but they would also say that once you learn to fly IFR why would you ever go back! The same is true spiritually. 

The faith to be saved is quite simple because of Calvary. The faith to build a Biblical view of life, of God, and learn to hear His voice through His Word and be guided by His eye, is a bit more challenging.

If we are content to take a Cessna 150 up on a sunny afternoon and come straight home, that’s great. Many people want nothing more.  If we desire more of what He has for us spiritually, of knowing Him personally and the power of His resurrection, that requires a bit more.  

But it may also allow us to go places, experience, and see things beyond our wildest dreams.